A long haul back to my writing routine.

I’m back online, after a long silence. I’m finally ready to get back to work. After I published Finding Ching Ha, I was busy with some health issues. A month later I came down with COVID. After two weeks of being sick at home, and a couple of trips to the emergency room, I ended up in the hospital with respiratory failure caused by pneumonia. Thankfully, I was out five days later and was able to continue the rest of my treatment at home. It took another month of recovery and taking it relatively easy, to manage my good days and the bad ones that were filled with extreme fatigue and the feeling that I was not yet of this world.

I have been decluttering my brain with journaling, mixed media art and reading, but the angst of not working on my projects has been slowly growing, interrupting my sleep and every idle (and busy moment. My brain fog clear, I’m finally ready to get back to the my work.

My next project will be a short collection of essays based on observations made during my experience with the illness that has altered so many lives – including my own. After this collection is done, I’m working on Ling’s Story, a stand-alone sequel to Finding Ching Ha.

Stay tuned for more posts on my writing process and writing progress, And, check out my book blog, anovelfiend.com for my upcoming review on John Steinbeck’s Journal of a Novel. It’s my latest recommendation for writers and lovers of reading and writing journals.

Thanks for visiting. See you soon.